Olga JarrellOct 22, 2021Дом "переезжает"A mini-lesson based on one of the Facebook videos published by "Voice of America". It focuses on the prefixed verbs переезжать / переехать.
Olga JarrellSep 24, 2021Мне скучно vs. Я скучаюIf you try to interpret the meaning of “to miss someone or something” in Russian, you might be surprised that the search leads you to the...
Olga JarrellJul 2, 2021В аэропортуЕсли вы в аэропорту, но не работаете там, то вы, скорее всего, попадаете в одну из четырёх категорий: пассажир, который улетает —...
Olga JarrellJul 2, 2021Что взять с собой?Пора собираться в поездку, паковать чемоданы и думать, что взять с собой. Какие вещи нужно взять обязательно, а что можно и не брать?...
Olga JarrellNov 25, 2020Word of the Day: БЛАГОДАРИТЬFor thanking people, we usually use the verb “to thank” in English. Russian, on the other hand, uses the noun «спасибо».
Olga JarrellSep 13, 2020На дворе осень. Пора...Что значит "на дворе"? Обычно "двор" – это участок земли (a piece of land) перед домом - yard. Иногда мы говорим, что "дети играют во дворе
Olga JarrellJul 25, 2020 Prefix ПЕРЕ- with Multiple MeaningsThe prefix ПЕРЕ- has several meanings. The first two meanings are familiar to those who have already studied the prefixed verbs of...
Olga JarrellFeb 26, 201814 New Internet Slang Verbs That Are Already in the DictionariesA few years ago, when typing in the Microsoft Word Document, these words were immediately underlined red. The spellcheck didn't recognize...
Olga JarrellSep 23, 2017ОДЕЖДА: Adjectives and Verbs to Talk About ClothesInspired by the book by Ignaty Dyakov “The Story Sensation” Discussing the chapter of the book about clothes and styles with my students...
Olga JarrellJan 9, 2016Word of the Day: КАТАТЬСЯ / ПОКАТАТЬСЯThis Russian verb is very important to know when talking about sport activities.
Olga JarrellNov 28, 2015Word of the day: СПАТЬ-словаI don't get enough sleep. Is it because the nights are short, or I sleep so fast? Are you tired and feel the same as the cat in the...
Olga JarrellSep 13, 2015Word of the day: Не забудь!How many times in your life you have heard the words Don’t forget! In Russian, the corresponding phrase will be Не забу́дь! (informal) or...